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2021 Third Place APWS Photo Contest
Grey Peacock Pheasant (Polyplectron bicalcaratum) – Submitted By: Anonymous
The American Pheasant and Waterfowl Society, its Editor and Board of Officers and Directors, do not guarantee the integrity of any of the Advertisers. Nor will it be responsible for, or get involved in any transactions or misunderstandings. It is the full responsibility of the buyer and seller.
Notice to breeders purchasing or advertising endangered species which require a permit
The offer for sale of endangered species or wildlife is contingent upon receipt by the purchaser (or seller, in the case of exports) of a permit issued by:
USFWS, Office of Management Authority
4401 N. Fairfax Dr, Room 432
Arlington, VA 22203
Please Note: Expiration of Classifieds are listed by Issue Not Month
There are 6 Issues Per Year
Deadline Dates for Classifieds
Issue 1 (Jan/Feb)- December 1st
Issue 2 (Mar/Apr)– February 1st
Issue 3 (May/June Membership Directory)– April 1st
Issue 4 (Jul/Aug)-June 1st
Issue 5 (Sep/Oct)–August 1st
Issue 6 (Nov/Dec)– October 1st
Classified Information:
Please Note: Expiration listed in magazine for Ads are by Issue not Month. All sale and wanted ads appear in the magazine and on the APWS website (
All ads must be paid for in advance. No Billing.
Classified Ads: 20¢ per word with a minimum charge of $7.50 per ad per issue. Pay for 3 issues and get the 4th free. Want Ads: Free to members. Please Specify how long you would like the Wanted Ad run.
**Please Do Not Send Any Funds to the Editor**
Make checks payable in US Funds to APWS. Please print CLEARLY or type. Mail ads and payment to:
E.T. Trader, APWS Treasurer, 5129 Holland Road, New Church, VA 23415
Classified Advertising For Sale
For Sale: 23 Hatch Baikel Teal, Green-wing Teal, Shovelers, European Widgeons, Wood ducks, Mandarins, N.A. Pintails. Paul Grunska, PH: 920-915-2547. Leave message if no answer please.
For Sale: Game Bird Magazines Cheap: Gazette 1957 to 2011/ American Pheasant and Waterfowl 1960 to 2012/ Cage Bird 1970 to 1983/Pheasant Journals 1975 2001/ World Pheasant News 1984-1996 . Will send list of every issue for sale. Joe Weeks 35 Pine Ridge Road, White, GA 30184 Cell: 770-241-8330
For Sale: Blackneck Swans, 3 cygnets raised by adult pair and Breeder pair. No shipping. Doug Eames 915 Park Ave, Logan, UT 84321.
PH: 435-752-8242.
For Sale: 2023 Red Breasted Geese unrelated pairs available. Maynard Axelson 15929 Fir Island Rd, Mount Vernon, WA 98273
For Sale: 23 Hatch Wood ducks, Mandarin, European Widgeon. Tony Scheffler M-52 Manchester, MI 48158 734-355-9460
For Sale: 2023 Hatch Temminck, Ijima Copper, Humes, Mikado,Elliots, Shinhoe, Lady Amherst, Dark Throated, Yellow Golden, Impeyan, Cheer. Marvin Willer PH: 330-763-459
For Sale: California, Silver California, Gambel, Bluescale, Mexican Speckled, White, Silver, Orange, Snowflake, Butler,Mahogany & Gray Barred, Bobwhite Quail. Jumbo Brown Coturnix, Albino & Silver Chukar, Silver & Rock Philby, Harlequin Quail, Hungarian, Bicolor/Blonde Hungarian, Barbary Partridge, Chinese Bamboo, Mountain Quail. Jimmy Furr, 8851 Rock Hole Rd, Stanfield NC 28163. PH: 704-351-5654
For Sale: 2023 Hatch, Lady Amherst and Red Golden Pheasants. Utah – Nolan Hess PH: 435-720-3183 Many Amhersts a Few Red Goldens
For Sale: Bobwhites, Pheasants and Button Quail for sale. Also wanted two male cockatiel and RoulRoul Partridges. Daniel Stoltzfus 35
Pequea Valley Road, Kinzers, PA 17535 PH: 717-442-8411.
For Sale: TRAGOPAN ENTHUSIAST; Available are unrelated Temminck’s Tragopan Pairs from 2023 spring hatch. There are no single or extra hens available. However, there are extra and single males available. Also, there are Satyr Tragopans available only in males NO Satyr hens available. Call and we’ll talk about the birds. PH: 765 985-2805 James Kotterman
FOR SALE: One 2022 hatched Male Palawan Peacock Pheasant. 2023 hatched Red Breasted Geese: 2 males 3 females Taking order for 2024 hatched:Palawans, Rothchilds Grey Peacock Pheasants, Green Junglefowls, Java Green Peafowls, Red Breasted Geese. Will Ship. Paul Kao, Southern California. Text or all 818-512-2750
Classified Advertising Wanted
Wanted: Two male cockatiel and Roul Roul Partridges. Daniel Stoltzfus 35 Pequea Valley Road, Kinzers, PA 17535 PH: 717-442-8411.
Wanted: Two male cockatiel and RoulRoul Partridges. Daniel Stoltzfus 35 Pequea Valley Road, Kinzers, PA 17535 PH: 717-442-8411.
Wanted: Lesser White-Front hen. Please contact Stephen Williams at or Call 918 429-3296. Please leave message if I don’t pick up.